Jan 18, 2011

Keeping it Simple

It's awesome, the plethora of group gifting sites and apps gracing the space these days, further support that group gifts are a great idea. Our biz is plugging along, nothing earth shattering, no 'angels' beating down our door and no calls from Oprah or Bill (yet). We haven't developed an app or a feed or a this or a that. I keep thinking, what's next, where to go, how hard to push, how far to reach. And then I stop and take notice of what's unique and different about from: Everyone. 

Here's the rub - it's simple. We made it that way, on purpose, gosh darn it! Two moms, doing our mom jobs, chasing after kids, organizing class gifts and baby showers and voila - you mean we can figure out how to do all of this online and never have to beg another soul to 'drop their check in the mail' --- brilliant!

So here's to keeping it simple, really simple. No Facebook, no PayPal, no apps or downloads, no tricks or hidden fees and no registering so we can snag your info (just the Organizer!). Don't get me wrong I'm a chronic Fb-er, but my Aunt in Nebraska is not. And I have used PayPal, but my Uncle in Arizona does not. So again, here's to keeping it simple. Have email (and credit card), will travel!

Thanks for listening!
